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Born in 1984 in Ibaraki, Japan

He lives and works in France in Rouen and Paris


2008 Diploma of Fine arts, Musashino Art University, Tokyo

2011 Diploma of Visual Arts, Rouen School of Fine Arts (with honors)

2013 Master’s Degree of Visual Arts, School of Art and Design, Le Havre/Rouen (with honors)


2014 Winner of the Villa Caldéron, General Council of Upper Normandy

2015 Impulse Exchange Grant for the Creation of Visual Art, Rouen

2015 Grant for Creation, Regional Department of Cultural Affairs of Upper Normandy


2013 Tatsuno Art Project, Tatsuno, Japan

2014 Villa Caldéron, Louviers

2015 The Iconoclasts, Yvetot

Other Education

2016-2017 Bookbinding Course, School of Art and Design, Rouen

Selected Exibitions



Elbeuf                      Museum of Elbeuf, La Fabrique des savoirs, L’arc-en-ciel des plantes tinctoriales

                                 (The Factory of Saviors, The Rainbow of Ink Plants)

Paris                        Orangery of the Senat, Luxembourg Gardens, Botanique




Bordeaux                Guyenne Art Gascogne, Incandesence

Rouen                      Mont-Saint-Aignan University, Distillation Solaire (Solar Distillation)

                                 Barentin Thomas Corneille High School, Distillation Solaire (Solar Distillation)




Elbeuf                      Library, Autour d’un Fuchsia (Around Fuchsia)

Rouen                      Church of St. Ouen, La mort se nourrit de fleurs (Death Feeds on Flowers)

Le Havre                 The Portico Regional Contemporary Art Center, La traversée des Apparences

                                 (The Crossing of Appearances)

Paris                        Area, Au retour du Jardin (At the back of the Garden)

Rouen                      Rouen Botanical Garden, Le portrait des plantes (The Portrait of Plants)



Yvetot                      Duchamp Gallery, Les Iconoclasses

Paris                        Yves Klein Archives, Kata – D’une lumière à l’autre (From One Light to

                                 the Other)

Louviers                  Louviers Museum, D’une lumière à l’autre (From One Light to the Other)



Farain                      Art Praye Gallery, Matière-Papier No2 (Paper Matter No. 2)



Paris                        Area, Ignis Fatuus



Tatsuno, Japan       Higashimaru Museum, Tatsuno Art Project 2012 – Art and Memory

Kyoto, Japan           The Franco-Japanese Institute of Kansai, Inter:sections



Rouen                         CHU, Sur le fil – works of FRAC Upper Normandy

Issy-les-Moulineaux The French Museum of Playing Cards, IXe Biennale


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