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Tohaku - Mix média sur papier, brûlure du soleil - 130 x 450 cm. 2014

Musée de Louviers, FRAC de Normandie - 2015

Ko-gô-seï A - Mix média sur papier, brûlure du soleil
140 x 140 cm. 2014
“Ko-gô-seï signifies the ‘creation of light.’ In France, we translate it as ‘photosynthesis.’ Ko-gô-seï refers to the plant kingdom that I observe, this same word can translate the meaning of my work at each stage.”
“Each time it begins with a series of photographs. Here I sought to create shadows
over and away from the flower in order to provoke a symmetry between the living
and the immaterial.”
(Extrait Le portrait des plantes, Paris : Area, 2016)

Casa di Luce - Mix média sur papier, brûlure du soleil - 115 x 100 cm. 2014

Chapelle Saint Marcellin, Boulbon, 2015
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